Conquest on HPGManifold at 2023-02-25 01:33

2023-02-25 01:33 Server Region: NorthAmerica Duration: 0:07:53 View Mode: FirstPersonOnly
Game Mode: Conquest (0:15) Map: HPGManifold Map Time of Day: Random Vanilla Game
      0 6
Unit Player Mech Health Matchscore Damage Kills Assists KMDD CD Team
283 [KDCM] sMoKeDoG1331 STK-5S DEAD 328 679 0 0 0 0 0
[MJ12] Heavenwarrior HTM-27W DEAD 202 395 0 0 0 0 1
[KDCM] FDLR1150 HTM-27W DEAD 136 294 0 0 0 0 1
[KDCM] RamenFTW VT-5S DEAD 93 136 0 0 0 0 2
[KDCM] Neil Diamond SDR-5V DEAD 57 63 0 0 0 0 1
[FJRD] Way of the Ferret PXH-7S DEAD 41 54 0 0 0 0 2
[FJRD] PlayerUnknown BNC-LM 62% 460 874 1 5 2 2 0
[FJRD] Shaunbomb STK-5SCS 60% 345 565 0 6 2 1 10
[FJRD] pewpewgunther STK-5S 39% 340 540 0 6 1 0 3
[FJRD] ArtilleryHamster FLE-17 60% 178 170 1 3 1 2 7
[FJRD] Masagus Amha FS9-A 81% 163 136 0 5 0 2 6
[FJRD] Lusciousbalzack FS9-A 81% 152 132 3 3 0 3 12